You quickly scan the area.
↑    : duergar guard
↑↑↑↑ : Grey Elf
↑↑↑↑ : Grey Elf
↑↑↑↑ : Grey Elf
↑↑↑↑ : Grey Elf
↑↑↑↑ : large xorn
↑↑↑↑ : large xorn
↑↑↑↑ : Grey Elf
↓↓↓↓ : small shambling mound
←    : duergar warpriest
< 860h/860H 1719m/1720M 288v/297V >

You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: 5grey | 4 NORTH @ [MAP]|A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi'
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 288v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 289v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 290v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 291v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 291v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 292v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 293v/297V >

You begin to focus your will...
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 294v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 295v/297V >
Casting: death field **
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 296v/297V >
Zelly: so i dont have to buy them at 5p hahaha
Zelly: u sure mem a lot of minor c
Zelly: thanks :3
Skellen: *Skellen* tranced
Skellen: *Skellen* no slots
Zelly: oh
Skellen: *Skellen* gonna shit around lookin for pieces for deathseekers I gues
Skellen: *Skellen* anyone has part from tezcat?
Ayla: *Ayla* no but i have tezcat task
Sainth: -sainth- that's the mother father thing right
Skellen: *Skellen* have killer task for now
Skellen: *Skellen* yes saith
Zelly: grey outside
Zelly: grey outside
Zelly: kbhild
Sainth: -sainth- outside where
Ayla: *Ayla* oo
Ayla: *Ayla* as i just dimmed away from there
Sainth: -sainth- crap myrk is on gc
Ayla: *Ayla* im not sure where i am atm
Zelly: zloin
Zelly: why does he not have pets
Skellen: *Skellen* loring for group ?
Zelly: nothing came
Ayla: *Ayla* did he run
Ifix: y a
Zelly: nod
Zelly: ra and ifix came
Ifix: no takedown +9
Ifix: :(
me: <Ra> SCAN: 5grey | 4 NORTH @ [MAP]|A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Casting: death field *

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* as im in drow'
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
Cast spell: 'death field'
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You send out a wave of psionic death!                                                  death field
< 860h/860H 1650m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1650m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1652m/1720M 297v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
↑    : duergar guard
→    : duergar guard
↓    : young roper
↓↓↓↓ : small shambling mound
←    : ghastly shrieker
←    : duergar warpriest
←←←← : orog raider
←←←← : orog hunter
< 860h/860H 1653m/1720M 297v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
↑    : A duergar guard
→    : duergar guard
↓    : young roper
↓↓↓↓ : small shambling mound
←    : ghastly shrieker
←    : duergar warpriest
←←←← : orog raider
←←←← : orog hunter
< 860h/860H 1654m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1655m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1655m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1656m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1656m/1720M 297v/297V >

< 860h/860H 1656m/1720M 297v/297V >

__________  .o..▒▒    
__________ ,,...☺☺.,   
__________ oo.o.,   
__________ ..oo@.,   
__________ ▒▒.oo.,,  
__________  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  
__________     ,      

A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A young roper stumbles around with its tentacles flailing.
< 860h/860H 1657m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

You quickly scan the area.
↑↑   : duergar guard
→    : duergar guard
↓↓↓  : small shambling mound
< 860h/860H 1657m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 860h/860H 1658m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 860h/860H 1658m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

You quickly scan the area.
↑↑   : duergar guard
→    : duergar guard
↓↓↓  : small shambling mound
< 860h/860H 1659m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 860h/860H 1659m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 860h/860H 1660m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

A Grey Elf sneaks in from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
< 860h/860H 1660m/1720M 295v/297V >
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

A Grey Elf gives an order to his followers.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
A large xorn snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
You snap into visibility.
A large xorn snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
A large xorn snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
< 860h/860H 1660m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: excellent E: large EP: kne EC: excellent> 
You dodge a large xorn's vicious attack.
You snap into visibility.
You parry a large xorn's lunge at you.
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
< 859h/860H 1661m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: excellent> 
[Damage:  1 ] Your weak bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
You miss a large xorn.
[Damage:  1 ] Your bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
< 859h/860H 1661m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 859h/860H 1662m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 859h/860H 1664m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
You begin to focus your will...
< 859h/860H 1665m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
Casting: death field **
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
< 859h/860H 1667m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
Casting: death field *
< 859h/860H 1669m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
You dodge a large xorn's vicious attack.
You parry a large xorn's lunge at you.
< 859h/860H 1669m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'acidimmolate'
A bubbling spray of goo spews from a Grey Elf striking you full on!
< 809h/860H 1670m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* and i cant run to khild because my moves sucks so bad'
< 809h/860H 1670m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
A duergar guard sneaks in from the east.
Cast spell: 'death field'
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You send out a wave of psionic death!                                                  death field
You snap into visibility.
A duergar guard snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 75 ] Your spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 12 ] Upon being struck, a Grey Elf disappears into thin air.
A Grey Elf stops following a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 12 ] Upon being struck, a Grey Elf disappears into thin air.
A Grey Elf stops following a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 12 ] Upon being struck, a Grey Elf disappears into thin air.
A Grey Elf stops following a Grey Elf.
[Damage: 151 ] [Damage: 152 ] [Damage: 149 ] The sphere circling a Grey Elf's body darts in front of your assault!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 76 ] You dodge a young roper's vicious attack.
You dodge a bash from a young roper, who loses its balance and falls.
You parry a Grey Elf's lunge at you.
You parry a duergar guard's lunge at you.
A duergar guard suddenly looks stronger!
  ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,  

< 809h/860H 1720m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
Powerful sparks of magic seem to flow out from a Grey Elf's mask.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
< 809h/860H 1720m/1720M 295v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: kne EC: few scratches> 
You attempt to flee...

__________  .oo..▒▒     
__________ ,....,    
__________ oo^.o.,    
__________ ..ooP@.,    
__________ .oo.,,,  
__________ ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  
__________    ,       

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee eastward!
< 809h/860H 1720m/1720M 267v/297V >
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 809h/860H 1720m/1720M 267v/297V >
=============== TICK ===============
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
< 787h/860H 1720m/1720M 267v/297V >
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 788h/860H 1720m/1720M 268v/297V >
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 788h/860H 1720m/1720M 269v/297V >
A large xorn enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
someone tells your alliance '*Skellen* if u kill him I could use his corpse'
< 790h/860H 1720m/1720M 270v/297V >
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

A Grey Elf gives an order to his followers.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
You snap into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
< 790h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
target grey
#Ok. {F1} is now bound to {v grey}.
You begin to focus your will...
< 791h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
< 769h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 769h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You snap into visibility.
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 769h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
[Damage:  0 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
A Grey Elf is stunned!
[Damage: 12 ] Upon being struck, a Grey Elf disappears into thin air.
A Grey Elf stops following a Grey Elf.
You dodge a large xorn's vicious attack.
You dodge a large xorn's vicious attack.
A large xorn misses you.
< 769h/860H 1643m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
ac fighting
You begin to focus your will...
< 769h/860H 1643m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
Your enchanted ring of balor bone was corroded by acid.
A Grey Elf sneaks west.
< 747h/860H 1643m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 747h/860H 1643m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You snap into visibility.
Casting: pyrokinesis 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

Sparkling magic surrounds a Grey Elf as he begins his chant.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
< 747h/860H 1643m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
Your spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'acidimmolate'
A Grey Elf's magic rips the fabric of reality causing ChAoTiC energies to pour in.
A swarm of insects appears from nowhere!
A swarm of insects suddenly attacks YOU!
A swarm of insects's sting grazes you.
A bubbling spray of goo spews from a Grey Elf striking you full on!
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 705h/860H 1605m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
ac outside khild
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

Sparkling magic surrounds a Grey Elf as he begins his chant.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You tell your alliance '<Ra> fighting'
< 705h/860H 1605m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You begin to focus your will...
You snap into visibility.
< 705h/860H 1605m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

< 705h/860H 1605m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
The mordant substance oozes off you!
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'acidimmolate'
A Grey Elf loses control over the raging magic sending ChAoTiC energy writhing throughout the room.
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Grey Elf's assault!
A bubbling spray of goo spews from a Grey Elf striking you full on!
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
< 668h/860H 1605m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You snap into visibility.
Casting: pyrokinesis 
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
A large xorn's crush grazes you.
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
< 665h/860H 1605m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: small wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 64 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 76 ] A Grey Elf suddenly looks in pain as he moves.
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf gives an order to his followers.
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A swarm of insects misses you.
You parry a swarm of insects's lunge at you.
You snap into visibility.
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You tell your alliance '<Ra> outside khild'
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

You begin to focus your will...
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a lot more easily...
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 63 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 74 ] 
< 643h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A large xorn rises to its feet.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
< 621h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A large xorn rises to its feet.
You snap into visibility.
A swarm of insects's feeble sting grazes you.
You dodge a swarm of insects's vicious attack.
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf leaves north.
< 620h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 620h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
< 598h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
l grey
You do not see that here.
< 598h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,  

You attempt to flee...

__________  oo.▒▒      
__________ ...☺☺.,     
__________ o^o.,     
__________ .ooP@,     
__________ .oo.,,,   
__________ ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  
__________   ,        

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee eastward!
< 598h/860H 1720m/1720M 245v/297V >
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 598h/860H 1720m/1720M 245v/297V >
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 598h/860H 1720m/1720M 245v/297V >
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

You quickly scan the area.
←    : Grey Elf
←    : swarm of insects
←    : large xorn
←    : large xorn
←←←← : ghastly shrieker
⇐⇐⇐⇐⇐: orog raider
⇐⇐⇐⇐⇐: orog hunter
< 598h/860H 1720m/1720M 246v/297V >
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
Your some jeweled dragonscale shoes [2lb AC-28 SV_FEAR-5] was corroded by acid.
You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: grey | 1 WEST @ [MAP]|A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi'
< 576h/860H 1720m/1720M 247v/297V >
A large xorn enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
< 576h/860H 1720m/1720M 247v/297V >
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 576h/860H 1720m/1720M 248v/297V >
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

A Grey Elf gives an order to his followers.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
You snap into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
You are knocked to the ground by a large xorn's mighty bash!
< 576h/860H 1720m/1720M 248v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
Your some catseye inventor's goggles [LUCK_MAX+7 POW_MAX+5 FARSEE] [poor] was corroded by acid.
[Damage:  1 ] Your weak bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
[Damage:  1 ] Your weak bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
You miss a large xorn.
< 554h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You snap into visibility.
A large xorn's weak crush grazes you.
The globe around a large xorn's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
The globe around a large xorn's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
< 549h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 549h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
< 527h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 527h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 527h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
Your tiny mindstone ear clasp was corroded by acid.
< 505h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A young roper enters from the north.
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 505h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒..▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 505h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
< 505h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
The mordant substance oozes off you!
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage:  2 ] Your crude bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
[Damage:  1 ] Your weak bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage:  2 ] Your crude bludgeon grazes a large xorn.
< 505h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'acidimmolate'
A Grey Elf loses control over the raging magic sending ChAoTiC energy writhing throughout the room.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
A horrible pain wracks your brain!
A bubbling spray of goo spews from a Grey Elf striking you full on!
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
< 440h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf misses you.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
 ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 440h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
The mordant substance oozes off you!
You snap into visibility.
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
A large xorn's weak crush grazes you.
The globe around a large xorn's body flares as it bears the brunt of your assault!
< 436h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A young roper suddenly attacks YOU!
A young roper's bite grazes you.
[Damage:  1 ] A young roper ignites into black flames as it hits you!
 ▒▒☺☺▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 433h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒☺☺▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 433h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
< 433h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 433h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V Pos: sitting >
< T: Ra TP: sit TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You clamber to your feet.
< 433h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'disintegrate'
A Grey Elf sends a green ray of light coming .. Straight towards YOU!
You resist the effects of a Grey Elf's spell!
You begin to focus your will...
< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You snap into visibility.
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 66 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 74 ] You parry a Grey Elf's lunge at you.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You dodge a young roper's vicious attack.
You snap into visibility.
< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
Zelly tells your alliance 'does he have pets now'
< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
 ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,,  

< 411h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: few scratches> 
You parry a large xorn's lunge at you.
You dodge a large xorn's vicious attack.
A large xorn's feeble crush grazes you.
You attempt to flee...

__________  ...▒▒       
__________ .oo☺☺▒▒      
__________ ...o.,     
__________ o^.o@,     
__________ oo.P,     
__________ .☺☺o.,,,   
__________  .▒▒▒ ,,   

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee northward!
< 410h/860H 1720m/1720M 226v/297V >
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
You attempt to flee...

__________  ....▒▒      
__________ .oo☺☺▒▒     
__________ ,...o.,    
__________ .o^.@.,    
__________ .oo.P,    
__________ .☺☺o.,,,  
__________  ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,   

A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
You flee westward!
< 388h/860H 1720m/1720M 204v/297V >
< 388h/860H 1720m/1720M 204v/297V >
  ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,   

< 389h/860H 1720m/1720M 205v/297V >
  ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,   

< 389h/860H 1720m/1720M 206v/297V >

__________  .oo☺☺▒▒     
__________ ,...o.,    
__________ .o^.oP,    
__________ .oo@,    
__________ .☺☺o.,,,  
__________ ▒▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,  
__________    ,,       

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
< 390h/860H 1720m/1720M 205v/297V >
 ▒▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,  

__________  oo☺☺▒▒      
__________ ...o.,     
__________ o^.oP,     
__________ .oo.@,     
__________ .o.,,,   
__________ ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,,  
__________   ,,        

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
A young roper stands, floating here, fighting a large xorn.
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a young roper. (Minion) 
< 391h/860H 1720m/1720M 203v/297V >

__________  o☺☺▒▒       
__________ ..o.,      
__________ ^.oP,      
__________ oo.@      
__________ o.,,, ,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,,,,  
__________  ,,      

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 391h/860H 1720m/1720M 202v/297V >
The cavern wall is too steep to climb!
< 392h/860H 1720m/1720M 202v/297V >
Sainth tells your alliance '-sainth- just don't get sizan'd'
< 393h/860H 1720m/1720M 203v/297V >
You snap into visibility.
Green slime eats away at your skin!
< 371h/860H 1720m/1720M 204v/297V >
 oo.,,, ,  
 .▒▒▒ ,,,,  

< 372h/860H 1720m/1720M 204v/297V >

__________  .o.,      
__________ ^.oP,      
__________ oo.,      
__________ oo.@,, ,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,,,,  
__________  ,,     ,  
__________  ,           

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 372h/860H 1720m/1720M 203v/297V >

__________  o.,       
__________ ^.oP,    ,  
__________ o.,      
__________ oo.,@,, ,,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,,,,,  
__________ ,,     ,,  

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
A baby roper explores this place for scraps of food.
< 372h/860H 1720m/1720M 201v/297V >

__________  o.,        
__________ .oP,    ,,  
__________ .,    ,  
__________ o.,@, ,,  
__________ ▒▒▒ ,,,,, 
__________ ,     ,, 
__________         ,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 373h/860H 1720m/1720M 200v/297V >

__________  .,         
__________ oP,    ,,,  
__________ .,    ,  
__________ .,,@ ,, 
__________ ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   
__________      ,,▒▒  
__________        ,,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -S -W
< 373h/860H 1720m/1720M 198v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
←←   : baby roper
< 374h/860H 1720m/1720M 199v/297V >
Zelly appears in a gust of swirling wind.
 oP,    ,,,  
 ☺☺,    ,  
 .,,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

< 374h/860H 1720m/1720M 199v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
←←   : baby roper
< 376h/860H 1720m/1720M 201v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 P,    ,  
 .,,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

< 376h/860H 1720m/1720M 201v/297V >
The mordant substance oozes off you!
< 377h/860H 1720m/1720M 202v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
←←   : baby roper
< 378h/860H 1720m/1720M 203v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 ☺☺P    ,  
 .,,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

You quickly scan the area.
←←   : baby roper
←←←  : large xorn
←←←  : large xorn
←←←  : Grey Elf
←←←  : Grey Elf
←←←  : Grey Elf
< 379h/860H 1720m/1720M 205v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 ☺☺,    ,  
 .P,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: 3grey | 3 WEST @ [MAP]|A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures'
< 379h/860H 1720m/1720M 205v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 .,    ,  
 .,P@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

You quickly scan the area.
←    : large xorn
←    : large xorn
←    : Grey Elf
←    : Grey Elf
←    : Grey Elf
←    : Grey Elf
←    : Grey Elf
←    : baby roper
< 380h/860H 1720m/1720M 206v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 .,    ,  
 .,,P@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

A Grey Elf sneaks in from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A Grey Elf enters from the west.
A large xorn enters from the west.
You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: 5grey | 1 WEST @ [MAP]|A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures'
< 380h/860H 1720m/1720M 206v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 .,    ,  
 .,,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

A Grey Elf gives an order to his followers.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
You dodge a bash from a large xorn, who loses its balance and falls.
You snap into visibility.
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 207v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: small wounds> 
 o.,    ,,,  
 .,    ,  
 .,,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 207v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: small wounds> 
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 207v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: large EP: ass EC: small wounds> 
You attempt to flee...

__________  o.,        
__________ .o.,    ,,  
__________ .,    ,  
__________ o.,,@P ,,  
__________ ▒▒▒ ,,,,, 
__________ ,     ,, 
__________         ,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a baby roper. (Minion) 
A baby roper stands, floating here, fighting a large xorn.
You flee westward!
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 181v/297V >

__________  .,         
__________ o.,    ,,,  
__________ .,    ,  
__________ .,,@ ,, 
__________ ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   
__________      ,,▒▒  
__________        ,,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -S -W
A large xorn is lying in mid-air here. (Minion) 
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Zelly Cultist *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 179v/297V >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 179v/297V >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 180v/297V >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 381h/860H 1720m/1720M 180v/297V >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 382h/860H 1720m/1720M 181v/297V >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 382h/860H 1720m/1720M 181v/297V >
Alas, you cannot go that way. . . .
< 383h/860H 1720m/1720M 182v/297V >
 o.,    ,,,  
 .,    ,☺☺  
 .,,@ ,, 
 ▒▒▒ ,,,,,   

__________  o.,        
__________ .o.,    ,,  
__________ .,    ,  
__________ o.,,@P ,,  
__________ ▒▒▒ ,,,,, 
__________ ,     ,, 
__________         ,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a baby roper. (Minion) 
A baby roper stands, floating here, fighting a large xorn.
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 385h/860H 1720m/1720M 182v/297V >

__________  o.,       
__________ ^.o.,    ,  
__________ o.,    ,  
__________ oo.,@P ,,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,P,,,  
__________ ,,     ,,  

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
< 385h/860H 1720m/1720M 180v/297V >
 ^.o.,    ,  
 o.,    ,  
 oo.,@P ,,  
 .▒▒▒ ,P,,,  
 ,,     ,,  

__________  .o.,      
__________ o^.o.,      
__________ o.,      
__________ oo.@,P ,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,P,,  
__________  ,,     ,  
__________  ,           

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 386h/860H 1720m/1720M 179v/297V >
The cavern wall is too steep to climb!
< 386h/860H 1720m/1720M 179v/297V >
 oo.@,P ,  
 .▒▒▒ ,P,,  
  ,,     ,  

__________  o☺☺▒▒       
__________ ...o.,      
__________ o^.o.,      
__________ o.@      
__________ oo.,,P ,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,P,,  
__________  ,,      

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 387h/860H 1720m/1720M 178v/297V >

__________  oo☺☺▒▒      
__________ ....o.,     
__________ oo^.o.,     
__________ .o.@,     
__________ .oo.,,P   
__________ ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,P,  
__________   ,,        

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
A baby roper stands, floating here, fighting a large xorn.
A young roper sits, floating here, fighting a large xorn.
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a young roper. (Minion) 
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 387h/860H 1720m/1720M 176v/297V >
A young roper misses a large xorn.
A young roper clambers to its feet.
A young roper misses a kick at a large xorn's groin, stubbing its toe in the process.
 ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,P,  

__________  .oo☺☺▒▒     
__________ ,....o.,    
__________ .oo^.o.,    
__________ .o@,    
__________ .oo.,,P  
__________ ▒▒▒.▒▒▒ ,P  
__________    ,,       

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 387h/860H 1720m/1720M 175v/297V >

__________  ....▒▒      
__________ .oo☺☺▒▒     
__________ ,....o.,    
__________ .oo^.@.,    
__________ .o.,    
__________ .oo.,,P  
__________  ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,   

A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 388h/860H 1720m/1720M 173v/297V >

__________  ....▒▒     
__________ ,.oo☺☺▒▒    
__________ ,,....o.,   
__________ .oo^@o.,   
__________ .o.,   
__________ ▒▒.oo.,,  
__________  ▒▒▒.▒▒▒    

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 388h/860H 1720m/1720M 172v/297V >

< 389h/860H 1720m/1720M 172v/297V >

__________  ▒▒....▒▒    
__________ ,,.oo☺☺▒▒   
__________  ,,...o.,  
__________  .oo@.o.,  
__________ ▒▒.o., 
__________  ▒▒.oo.,,  
__________   ▒▒▒.▒▒▒   

A Shaft Beneath a Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
< 389h/860H 1720m/1720M 171v/297V >
< 390h/860H 1720m/1720M 171v/297V >

Zone: the Mushroom Caverns.
A Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -N -D [khout]
The corpse of a hook horror is lying here.
< 390h/860H 1720m/1720M 171v/297V >
< 391h/860H 1720m/1720M 171v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* im slowly walking towards khild'
< 394h/860H 1720m/1720M 176v/297V >
#going from khout to khgates
#going from khgates to kh

An Outpost on the Road to the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -N -E -S
< 395h/860H 1720m/1720M 175v/297V >

Nearing the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 396h/860H 1720m/1720M 173v/297V >

Below the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -E -U
< 396h/860H 1720m/1720M 172v/297V >

Zone: Khildarak Stronghold.

A Crack In The Cliff Face
Obvious exits: -N -D
You sense a lifeform nearby.
< 397h/860H 1720m/1720M 170v/297V >
Nothing happens.
< 397h/860H 1720m/1720M 171v/297V >

A Narrow Passage
Obvious exits: -N -S
< 398h/860H 1720m/1720M 169v/297V >

                Score information for Ra

Level: 56   Race: Githyanki   Class: Psionicist / Pyrokinetic Sex: Male
Hit points: 398(860)   Mana: 1720(1720)   Moves: 170(297)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Coins in bank: 52761 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Playing time: 21 days / 5 hours/ 17 minutes
Received data: 1.6368 MB this session.
Send data:     0.0354 MB this session.
Compression ratio: 89%
Title: Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-*
Group Leader: Nos
Status:  Standing.
         Negative Shielded
Epic points(total): 51900(117720) Current task: find runestone of City of Torrhan
Epic Bonus: Movement Regen Bonus (0)
Frags:   +5.68   Deaths:   106
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life
Protected from: Good Fire Living
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Inertial-Barrier Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Aware Tower of Iron Will GlobeOfDarkness
Herbs:          Medicus
Stat Pool Timeout: 46:38:51
Bartender Quests Remaining: 2.
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.86 
Leaderboard Points: 1800 

Active Spells:
biofeedback (5 minutes)
roar of heroes (2 minutes)
energy containment (31 minutes)
flesh armor (17 minutes)
cannibalize (48 minutes)
inertial barrier (14 minutes)
enhance dexterity (39 minutes)
adrenaline control (43 minutes)
molecular control (8 minutes)
intellect fortress (2 minutes)
tower of iron will (6 minutes)
aura sight (7 minutes)
enhance strength (25 minutes)
enhance agility (15 minutes)
vitality (2 minutes)
combat mind (13 minutes)
elephantstrength (12 minutes)
bless (13 minutes)
fly (9 minutes)
sense spirit (52 minutes)
ravenflight (47 minutes)
greater spirit ward (47 minutes)
pantherspeed (48 minutes)
hawkvision (17 minutes)
rested bonus (17 minutes)

< 398h/860H 1720m/1720M 170v/297V >

A Carved Passage
Obvious exits: -N -S
You sense a lifeform nearby.
< 399h/860H 1720m/1720M 168v/297V >

The Base Of A Steep Slope
Obvious exits: -E -S
A clansdwarf sits atop a large steeder.(Red Aura)
A clansdwarf sits atop a large steeder.(Red Aura)
< 399h/860H 1720m/1720M 167v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
< 399h/860H 1720m/1720M 165v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* with no moves and no sneak'

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
You sense a lifeform nearby.
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
< 400h/860H 1720m/1720M 164v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
A clansdwarf sits atop a large steeder.(Red Aura)
< 400h/860H 1720m/1720M 162v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
< 401h/860H 1720m/1720M 161v/297V >

The Top Of A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
You sense a lifeform nearby.
< 401h/860H 1720m/1720M 159v/297V >

Before The Gates of the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -N -S [khgates]
*A high priest stands here on guard.(Red Aura)
*A high priest stands here on guard.(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
< 402h/860H 1720m/1720M 158v/297V >
It's already open!
< 402h/860H 1720m/1720M 158v/297V >

A Wide And Spacious Overlook
Obvious exits: -S -D
< 403h/860H 1720m/1720M 157v/297V >
< 403h/860H 1720m/1720M 157v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -U -D
< 404h/860H 1720m/1720M 156v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 404h/860H 1720m/1720M 155v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 405h/860H 1720m/1720M 153v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 405h/860H 1720m/1720M 152v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 406h/860H 1720m/1720M 150v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 406h/860H 1720m/1720M 149v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 406h/860H 1720m/1720M 147v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 407h/860H 1720m/1720M 146v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 407h/860H 1720m/1720M 144v/297V >

The Bottom Of A Carved Stairway
Obvious exits: -N -U
*Ifix FaNaTiC *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Ifix's head.
< 408h/860H 1720m/1720M 143v/297V >

Strongstone Pavilion
Obvious exits: -E -S -W [kh]
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
Before you stands a huge board containing news and feedback.
A large pool of water surrounds a statue.
A large stone statue stands here.
The Khildarak Quartermaster stands here.(Red Aura)
Ifix enters from the south.
Slowwalk finished.
< 408h/860H 1720m/1720M 141v/297V >
< 409h/860H 1720m/1720M 142v/297V >
Ifix stops following you.
< 425h/860H 1720m/1720M 160v/297V >
Ifix leaves east.
< 426h/860H 1720m/1720M 161v/297V >
ac permbashed by pets, thus I retreated
You tell your alliance '<Ra> permbashed by pets, thus I retreated'
< 429h/860H 1720m/1720M 165v/297V >
You get a large medicated bandage [] from a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 432h/860H 1720m/1720M 168v/297V >
Ench: bandage
You attempt to bandage yourself.
< 432h/860H 1720m/1720M 168v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
< 480h/860H 1720m/1720M 174v/297V >
Zelly tells your alliance 'he has gated to air'
< 486h/860H 1720m/1720M 180v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
You don't have the bandage.
< 528h/860H 1720m/1720M 179v/297V >
a bottomless bag of the illithids does not contain the fish.
< 528h/860H 1720m/1720M 180v/297V >
You can't find it!
< 529h/860H 1720m/1720M 180v/297V >
You don't have the fish.
< 529h/860H 1720m/1720M 181v/297V >
=============== TICK ===============
You continue bandaging yourself.
< 575h/860H 1720m/1720M 185v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* did he leave'
< 576h/860H 1720m/1720M 186v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
< 623h/860H 1720m/1720M 190v/297V >
Zelly tells your alliance 'hes back'
< 625h/860H 1720m/1720M 193v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
< 670h/860H 1720m/1720M 195v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* i need a ride to you'
< 675h/860H 1720m/1720M 202v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
< 717h/860H 1720m/1720M 202v/297V >
exa p
a bottomless bag of the illithids (magic)
Strange illithid magic has been worked to form this mighty
magical bag, which although it looks quite small can actually
hold enough provisions for an entire slaving raid.  The few
illithids who know the secret of these bags creation jealousy
guard them and slay any who seek to wrest the magic from their
A bottomless bag of the illithids is made of diamond and appears to be of one-of-a-kind craftsmanship.
A bottomless bag of the illithids has an item value of 1.
a bottomless bag of the illithids can hold around 739 pounds, and is as good as empty.
A bottomless bag of the illithids contains:
a small, green reed [reeds:1]
the gauntlets of the Spellsword [0/2 INT+5 LEVITATE] [poor] (magic) (glowing)
the holy warhammer 'Discipline' [4/4 4D5 THROW RETURNING proc] [poor]
a pair of silverish githyanki gauntlets [4/3 AC-10] [superior] (magic)
a magical essence of Strength [] (magic)
a mistweyd nose-pipe []
a golden mining pick [1lb 3/3 4D4 iv45] (magic) (humming)
a pile of coins
a piece of a bone fragment [bone:1]
a rare piece of cold-iron [iron:5] (magic)
a strip of enchanted black leather [leather:5] (magic) (glowing)
a sparkling dragonscale mantle from The Outcasts Tower [6lb AC-39 SV_FEAR-5 PROT_UNDEAD]
a jeweled diamond belt buckle [AC7 +MANA NOREPAIR]
a drow-made dragonscale eyepatch
a superior dragonscale necklace [2lb AC-5 MOVE+25]
a dented dragonscale circlet [3lb AC-19 MANA+25]
some diabolical dragonscale gauntlets from The Great Realm of Duris [6lb AC-40 CON+7 COLDSHIELD]
a frost-rimed dragonscale wristguard [3lb AC-16 MOVE+23]
[10] some wild Gootwiet
a large diamond [diamond:3]
a ring of endurance [MOVE+15 iv18] (magic)
a tightly rolled vellum recipe for a silver myrabolan shortsword [3/2 4D4]
[5] an ancient chunk of dwarven mithril [mithril:5]
a delicate bubble []
a rare piece of glittering gold [gold:5]
a flawless gemstone
a piece of immortal bone [bone:5] (magic)
a rotting cloth bag
[3] a wisp of wind []
[2] a flint of granite
a psychomia plant
[7] a dragon scale
[12] a scroll of Numbla [identify  (lev 30)]
[8] some heirloom Blue Haze
[9] some landrace Medicus []
[13] a large medicated bandage []
[15] a dark misty potion [vitality  (lev 26)]
a slender fishing pole
[4] a small bandage
[16] a fiery red potion [stone skin vitality detect invisibility (lev 55)]
 numbla×12 medicus×9 bandage×13 misty×15 fiery×16
< 719h/860H 1720m/1720M 203v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
< 753h/860H 1720m/1720M 207v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* or almost there'
< 756h/860H 1720m/1720M 211v/297V >
Sainth tells your alliance '-sainth- can consent for summon'
< 758h/860H 1720m/1720M 213v/297V >
Strongstone Pavilion
Obvious exits: -E -S -W [kh]
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
Before you stands a huge board containing news and feedback.
A large pool of water surrounds a statue.
A large stone statue stands here.
The Khildarak Quartermaster stands here.(Red Aura)
< 759h/860H 1720m/1720M 214v/297V >
You continue bandaging yourself.
Your bandage won't do any more good now.
You are no longer being bandaged.
< 760h/860H 1720m/1720M 215v/297V >
#going from kh to khne
#going from khne to khbank

Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -E -W
An intent duergar inquisitor searches the town for invaders.(Red Aura)
< 766h/860H 1720m/1720M 220v/297V >

Southeast Corner of Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -W
A clansdwarf sits atop a large cave bear.(Red Aura)
< 767h/860H 1720m/1720M 219v/297V >

Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -S
< 767h/860H 1720m/1720M 217v/297V >

Northeast Corner of Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W [khne]
A clansdwarf looks through the merchants carts.(Red Aura)
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
< 768h/860H 1720m/1720M 216v/297V >

Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -E -S# -W
The corpse of a cavern snake is lying here.
Nosh Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 768h/860H 1720m/1720M 214v/297V >
Nosh leaves east.
It's already open!
< 769h/860H 1720m/1720M 215v/297V >

House of Clan Dark Ingot
Obvious exits: -N# -E -S -W#
[5] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A steel long sword has been left here.
A steel short sword lies discarded here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A great flail has been carelessly left here.
< 769h/860H 1720m/1720M 213v/297V >

Collection Room
Obvious exits: -W [khbank]
[5] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[2] A piece of rune carved obsidian lies discarded here
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A steel long sword has been left here.
A steel short sword lies discarded here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A great flail has been carelessly left here.
A large wooden counter is here, with a sign posted on it.
A clansdwarf is ready to take your money(Red Aura)
Slowwalk finished.
< 769h/860H 1720m/1720M 212v/297V >
< 770h/860H 1720m/1720M 212v/297V >
en locker druggery

The escort says 'You have 364 items, which costs you 1 platinum, 9 s, and 3 c'
A member of the Storage Locker Safety Commission escorts you to the locker.
WARNING: Storage Lockers are not meant to have multiple containers in them. There is a possibility you may LOSE your container and all items in it. Store them at your own risk! NO REIMBURSEMENTS!

Zone: Adventurer's Vaults.
The Storage Locker for Druggery
Obvious exits: -N#
a dragons stomach
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
WARNING: This isn't your own locker.  Therefore, you'll be ejected if
you are idle for more then 2 minutes.
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 221v/297V >
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 222v/297V >
g all.bisque stomach;p all p
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You can't carry any more.
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 236v/297V >
You put 10 items into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 236v/297V >
g all.bisque stomach;p all p
A small gremlin appears out of nowhere, and ensures everything is sorted...
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a dragon's stomach.
You can't carry any more.
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 237v/297V >
You put 10 items into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 237v/297V >
A small gremlin appears out of nowhere, and ensures everything is sorted...
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 238v/297V >
Your body vibrates as you fan out your molecules.

Zone: Khildarak Stronghold.

Collection Room
Obvious exits: -W [khbank]
[5] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
[2] A piece of rune carved obsidian lies discarded here
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A steel long sword has been left here.
A steel short sword lies discarded here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A great flail has been carelessly left here.
A large wooden counter is here, with a sign posted on it.
A clansdwarf is ready to take your money(Red Aura)
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 245v/297V >
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 246v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* who holds your group'
< 778h/860H 1720m/1720M 248v/297V >
#going from khbank to khne
#going from khne to kh
#going from kh to khgates
#going from khgates to khout

House of Clan Dark Ingot
Obvious exits: -N# -E -S -W#
[5] A small bandage rests upon the ground here.
A sturdy looking wooden club has been left here.
A stout cudgel carved from oak wood lies here.
A gnoby piece of wood, perhaps a small mace, lies here.
A steel long sword has been left here.
A steel short sword lies discarded here.
A long steel sword is here in the dirt.
A steel dagger about a foot in length lies here.
A steel dagger has been tossed aside here.
A durable looking footman's flail lies discarded here.
A large black leather whip lies coiled here.
A warhammer with a sturdy-looking steel head lies here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A large two-handed sword has been left here.
A great flail has been carelessly left here.
< 780h/860H 1720m/1720M 250v/297V >
It's already open!
< 781h/860H 1720m/1720M 250v/297V >

Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -E -S# -W
The corpse of a cavern snake is lying here.
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
< 781h/860H 1720m/1720M 249v/297V >

Northeast Corner of Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W [khne]
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 782h/860H 1720m/1720M 247v/297V >

Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -S
< 782h/860H 1720m/1720M 246v/297V >

Southeast Corner of Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -N -W
A clansdwarf sits atop a large cave bear.(Red Aura)
< 783h/860H 1720m/1720M 244v/297V >

Strongstone Circle
Obvious exits: -E -W
An intent duergar inquisitor searches the town for invaders.(Red Aura)
< 783h/860H 1720m/1720M 243v/297V >

Strongstone Pavilion
Obvious exits: -E -S -W [kh]
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
A swirling rift shifts and howls here. (magic)
Before you stands a huge board containing news and feedback.
A large pool of water surrounds a statue.
A large stone statue stands here.
The Khildarak Quartermaster stands here.(Red Aura)
< 784h/860H 1720m/1720M 241v/297V >

The Bottom Of A Carved Stairway
Obvious exits: -N -U
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 784h/860H 1720m/1720M 240v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 784h/860H 1720m/1720M 238v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 785h/860H 1720m/1720M 237v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 785h/860H 1720m/1720M 236v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 786h/860H 1720m/1720M 234v/297V >
Zelly tells your alliance 'me'

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 786h/860H 1720m/1720M 233v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 787h/860H 1720m/1720M 231v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 787h/860H 1720m/1720M 230v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -N -U -D
< 788h/860H 1720m/1720M 228v/297V >

A Stairway Carved In Stone
Obvious exits: -U -D
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 788h/860H 1720m/1720M 227v/297V >

A Wide And Spacious Overlook
Obvious exits: -S# -D
< 789h/860H 1720m/1720M 225v/297V >
< 789h/860H 1720m/1720M 226v/297V >

Before The Gates of the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -N -S [khgates]
*A high priest stands here on guard.(Red Aura)
*A high priest stands here on guard.(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
A duergar guard watches the area intently(Red Aura)
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 790h/860H 1720m/1720M 224v/297V >
#var fish bisque
< 790h/860H 1720m/1720M 225v/297V >

The Top Of A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
< 790h/860H 1720m/1720M 223v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
You sense a lifeform nearby.
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 791h/860H 1720m/1720M 222v/297V >
You get a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours] from a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 791h/860H 1720m/1720M 222v/297V >
You eat the bowl of seafood bisque.
< 792h/860H 1720m/1720M 223v/297V >
You don't have the bisque.
< 792h/860H 1720m/1720M 223v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
< 793h/860H 1720m/1720M 222v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
A clansdwarf sits atop a large steeder.(Red Aura)
A clansdwarf sits atop a large steeder.(Red Aura)
< 793h/860H 1720m/1720M 221v/297V >

A Sloping Passage
Obvious exits: -E -W
You sense a lifeform nearby.
< 794h/860H 1720m/1720M 220v/297V >

The Base Of A Steep Slope
Obvious exits: -E -S
You sense a lifeform nearby.
A clansdwarf sits atop a large steeder.(Red Aura)
< 794h/860H 1720m/1720M 218v/297V >

A Carved Passage
Obvious exits: -N -S
A clansdwarf watches the area closely.(Red Aura)
< 795h/860H 1720m/1720M 217v/297V >
Zelly: why does he not have pets
Skellen: *Skellen* loring for group ?
Zelly: nothing came
Ayla: *Ayla* did he run
Ifix: y a
Zelly: nod
Zelly: ra and ifix came
Ifix: no takedown +9
Ifix: :(
me: <Ra> SCAN: 5grey | 4 NORTH @ [MAP]|A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Kiria: *Ayla* as im in drow
Kiria: *Ayla* and i cant run to khild because my moves sucks so bad
someone: *Skellen* if u kill him I could use his corpse
me: <Ra> fighting
me: <Ra> outside khild
me: <Ra> SCAN: grey | 1 WEST @ [MAP]|A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Zelly: does he have pets now
Sainth: -sainth- just don't get sizan'd
me: <Ra> SCAN: 3grey | 3 WEST @ [MAP]|A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
me: <Ra> SCAN: 5grey | 1 WEST @ [MAP]|A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Kiria: *Ayla* im slowly walking towards khild
Kiria: *Ayla* with no moves and no sneak
me: <Ra> permbashed by pets, thus I retreated
Zelly: he has gated to air
Kiria: *Ayla* did he leave
Zelly: hes back
Kiria: *Ayla* i need a ride to you
Kiria: *Ayla* or almost there
Sainth: -sainth- can consent for summon
Kiria: *Ayla* who holds your group
Zelly: me

A Narrow Passage
Obvious exits: -N -S
< 795h/860H 1720m/1720M 216v/297V >
Nothing happens.
< 796h/860H 1720m/1720M 217v/297V >

A Crack In The Cliff Face
Obvious exits: -N -D
You sense a lifeform nearby.
< 796h/860H 1720m/1720M 216v/297V >

                Score information for Ra

Level: 56   Race: Githyanki   Class: Psionicist / Pyrokinetic Sex: Male
Hit points: 797(860)   Mana: 1720(1720)   Moves: 217(297)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     9 gold     0 silver     7 copper
Coins in bank: 52759 platinum     0 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Playing time: 21 days / 5 hours/ 19 minutes
Received data: 1.6473 MB this session.
Send data:     0.0358 MB this session.
Compression ratio: 89%
Title: Dreadlord *-* Clan Ragnarok *-*
Group Leader: Zelly
Status:  Standing.
         Negative Shielded
Epic points(total): 51900(117720) Current task: find runestone of City of Torrhan
Epic Bonus: Movement Regen Bonus (0)
Frags:   +5.68   Deaths:   106
Detecting:      Invisible Evil Good Magic Life
Protected from: Good Fire Living
Protected by:   Greater Spirit Ward Slow Poison
Enchantments:   Inertial-Barrier Hawkvision Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Invisibility Sneaking Tower of Iron Will GlobeOfDarkness
Herbs:          Medicus
Stat Pool Timeout: 46:37:26
Bartender Quests Remaining: 2.
Combat Pulse:   19 Spell Pulse:  0.86 
Leaderboard Points: 1800 

Active Spells:
biofeedback (4 minutes)
roar of heroes (1 minute)
energy containment (30 minutes)
flesh armor (16 minutes)
cannibalize (47 minutes)
inertial barrier (13 minutes)
enhance dexterity (38 minutes)
adrenaline control (42 minutes)
molecular control (7 minutes)
intellect fortress (1 minute)
tower of iron will (5 minutes)
aura sight (6 minutes)
enhance strength (24 minutes)
enhance agility (14 minutes)
vitality (1 minute)
combat mind (12 minutes)
elephantstrength (11 minutes)
bless (12 minutes)
fly (8 minutes)
sense spirit (51 minutes)
ravenflight (46 minutes)
greater spirit ward (46 minutes)
pantherspeed (47 minutes)
hawkvision (16 minutes)
rested bonus (16 minutes)

< 797h/860H 1720m/1720M 217v/297V >

Zone: the Mushroom Caverns.
Below the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -E -U
< 797h/860H 1720m/1720M 216v/297V >

Nearing the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 798h/860H 1720m/1720M 214v/297V >
Sainth tells your alliance '-sainth- come into khild'

An Outpost on the Road to the Khildarak Stronghold
Obvious exits: -N -E -S
< 798h/860H 1720m/1720M 213v/297V >

A Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -N -D [khout]
The corpse of a hook horror is lying here.
Slowwalk finished.
< 799h/860H 1720m/1720M 212v/297V >
< 799h/860H 1720m/1720M 213v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
↧    : large xorn
↧    : large xorn
↧    : Grey Elf
↧    : duergar warpriest
↧    : ghastly shrieker
< 802h/860H 1720m/1720M 218v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* what number is he'
You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: grey | 1 DOWN @ the Mushroom Caverns|A Soaring Mushroom Cavern'
< 803h/860H 1720m/1720M 219v/297V >
< 808h/860H 1720m/1720M 229v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
↧    : Grey Elf
↧    : Zelly
↧    : duergar guard
↧    : large xorn
↧    : large xorn
↧    : duergar warpriest
↧    : ghastly shrieker
< 809h/860H 1720m/1720M 231v/297V >
You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: grey | 1 DOWN @ the Mushroom Caverns|A Soaring Mushroom Cavern'
< 810h/860H 1720m/1720M 232v/297V >

__________  ▒▒....▒▒    
__________ ,,.oo.▒▒   
__________  ,,...o.,  
__________  oo@.o.,  
__________ ▒▒..oo., 
__________  ▒▒..oo.,,  
__________   ▒▒▒..▒▒▒   

A Shaft Beneath a Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here, fighting a duergar guard.(Gold Aura)
Zelly Cultist *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) sits in mid-air here, fighting a large xorn.(Gold Aura)
A duergar guard is lying here, fighting a Grey Elf.
A large xorn sits in mid-air here, fighting a duergar warpriest. (Minion) 
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a ghastly shrieker. (Minion) 
A duergar warpriest stands, floating here, fighting a Grey Elf.
A ghastly shrieker stands here, fighting a large xorn.(Gold Aura)
< 814h/860H 1720m/1720M 237v/297V >
You begin to focus your will...
You snap into visibility.
< 814h/860H 1720m/1720M 238v/297V >
A large xorn misses a duergar warpriest.
A large xorn misses a duergar warpriest.
< 815h/860H 1720m/1720M 239v/297V >
A large xorn's decent crush strikes a ghastly shrieker.
A large xorn's decent crush strikes a ghastly shrieker.
< 815h/860H 1720m/1720M 240v/297V >
Casting: pyrokinesis 
Sparkling magic surrounds a Grey Elf as he begins his chant.
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
< 817h/860H 1720m/1720M 242v/297V >
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
Your spell flows around a Grey Elf, leaving him unharmed!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the word 'acidimmolate'
A bubbling spray of goo spews from a Grey Elf striking Zelly full on!
Zelly's royal token of Valois was corroded by acid.
< 818h/860H 1682m/1720M 244v/297V >
Zelly misses a large xorn.
◆Zelly misses a large xorn.
◆Zelly misses a large xorn.
Zelly snaps into visibility.
< 818h/860H 1682m/1720M 245v/297V >
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
A Grey Elf's bludgeon wounds a duergar guard.
A Grey Elf's decent bludgeon wounds a duergar guard.
You begin to focus your will...
< 820h/860H 1683m/1720M 247v/297V >
A ghastly shrieker misses a large xorn.

A Grey Elf looks at a duergar guard.
< 821h/860H 1684m/1720M 249v/297V >
A Grey Elf dodges a duergar guard's attack.
A Grey Elf dodges a duergar guard's attack.
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf leaves up.
< 822h/860H 1684m/1720M 251v/297V >
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You abort your mental image before it has become reality!

< 822h/860H 1685m/1720M 252v/297V >

< 823h/860H 1685m/1720M 253v/297V >
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 823h/860H 1686m/1720M 253v/297V >
Zelly snaps into visibility.
Green slime eats away at Zelly's skin!
< 824h/860H 1686m/1720M 254v/297V >
Zelly clambers to his feet.
< 824h/860H 1686m/1720M 255v/297V >
A large xorn clambers to its feet.

A Grey Elf sneaks east.
< 825h/860H 1687m/1720M 256v/297V >
A large xorn's decent crush wounds a duergar warpriest.
A large xorn's crush wounds a duergar warpriest.

< 825h/860H 1687m/1720M 257v/297V >
A ghastly shrieker dodges a large xorn's attack.

A Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -N -D [khout]
The corpse of a hook horror is lying here.
< 826h/860H 1688m/1720M 257v/297V >
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 826h/860H 1688m/1720M 258v/297V >

__________  ▒▒....▒▒    
__________ ,,.o.▒▒   
__________  ,,....o.,  
__________  oo@.o.,  
__________ ▒▒..oo.P 
__________  ▒▒..oo.,,  
__________   ▒▒▒..▒▒▒   

A Shaft Beneath a Soaring Mushroom Cavern
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
Fresh blood covers everything in the area.
Zelly Cultist *-* Clan Ragnarok *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a large xorn.(Gold Aura)
A duergar guard is lying here.
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a duergar warpriest. (Minion) 
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a ghastly shrieker. (Minion) 
A duergar warpriest stands, floating here, fighting a large xorn. (Casting) 
A ghastly shrieker runs around the Underdark.(Gold Aura)
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 827h/860H 1689m/1720M 257v/297V >
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 828h/860H 1689m/1720M 258v/297V >

< 828h/860H 1690m/1720M 259v/297V >

< 829h/860H 1690m/1720M 260v/297V >
A ghastly shrieker suddenly attacks YOU!
A ghastly shrieker misses you.
A ghastly shrieker misses you.

< 829h/860H 1690m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
Zelly snaps into visibility.
Green slime eats away at Zelly's skin!

< 829h/860H 1691m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 829h/860H 1691m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 

< 829h/860H 1692m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
=============== TICK ===============
A duergar warpriest completes her spell...
A duergar warpriest utters the words 'cause critical'
A large xorn screams as a duergar warpriest critically injures it.
Zelly attempts to flee.
Zelly leaves south.
< 829h/860H 1693m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 

< 829h/860H 1693m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 

Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 829h/860H 1694m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 829h/860H 1694m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 

Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 829h/860H 1695m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
Kiria enters from the north.
Zelly enters from the south.
Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.
< 829h/860H 1695m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
Zelly snaps into visibility.
Green slime eats away at Zelly's skin!
A large xorn's fine crush wounds a duergar warpriest.
A large xorn's fine crush wounds a duergar warpriest.
A large xorn kicks a duergar warpriest in the stomach, rendering her breathless.

Kiria leaves south.
Zelly floats up.
< 829h/860H 1696m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: small wounds> 
A large xorn's decent crush strikes a ghastly shrieker.
A large xorn's crush strikes a ghastly shrieker.

< 829h/860H 1696m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
A ghastly shrieker misses you.
< 829h/860H 1696m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
A large xorn dodges a duergar warpriest's attack.
A duergar warpriest's weak punch grazes a large xorn.
A duergar warpriest kicks a large xorn in the side with a hefty roundhouse kick.

Nosh tells your alliance 'where is that?'
< 829h/860H 1697m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
[Damage:  6 ] Your bludgeon strikes a ghastly shrieker.
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 11 ] Your impressive bludgeon strikes a ghastly shrieker hard.
You score a CRITICAL HIT!!!!!
[Damage: 13 ] Your impressive bludgeon strikes a ghastly shrieker hard.
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
A duergar guard clambers to his feet.
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
You begin to focus your will...
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
Zelly tells your alliance 'heh'
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 

< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: ghastly EP: sta EC: few wounds> 
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis'
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
[Damage: 82 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a ghastly shrieker's body.
[Damage: 27 ] A ghastly shrieker is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 0.
This mob damage: 1201 total: 125507
You feel a carnal satisfaction as a ghastly shrieker's gurgling and choking signals its demise.
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >
Zelly tells your alliance 'right outside'
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis'
Who should the spell be cast upon?  You must specify a target!
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 261v/297V >

__________  ....▒▒     
__________ ,.o.▒▒    
__________ ,,....o.,   
__________ .oo@o.,   
__________ .ooP.,   
__________ ▒▒..oo.,,  
__________  ▒▒▒.▒▒▒    

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 260v/297V >
Kiria enters from the south.

__________  ....▒▒      
__________ .o.▒▒     
__________ ,....o.,    
__________ .ooP@.,    
__________ .oo.,    
__________ ..oo.,,,  
__________  ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,   

A Mushroom Forest Covered in Spider Webs
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 258v/297V >
  ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,   

__________  ...▒▒       
__________ .o.▒▒      
__________ ....o.,     
__________ ooPo@,     
__________ .oo.,     
__________ ..oo.,,,   
__________  .▒▒▒ ,,   

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 256v/297V >
< 829h/860H 1720m/1720M 257v/297V >
  .▒▒▒ ,,   

< 830h/860H 1720m/1720M 258v/297V >
  .▒▒▒ ,,   

< 833h/860H 1720m/1720M 264v/297V >
You get a dark misty potion [vitality  (lev 26)] from a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 836h/860H 1720m/1720M 269v/297V >
As you quaff a dark misty potion [vitality  (lev 26)], the vial disappears in a bright flash of light!
Ench: vitality
You feel a slight magical surge that reinforces and refreshes your vitality.
< 837h/860H 1720m/1720M 270v/297V >
< 841h/860H 1720m/1720M 278v/297V >
You don't have the misty.
< 845h/860H 1720m/1720M 285v/297V >

__________  o.▒▒      
__________ ....o.,     
__________ oo.o.,     
__________ .oo.@,     
__________ ..oo.,,,   
__________ ▒▒.▒▒▒ ,,,  
__________   ,        

A Large Caverned Covered with Moss and Fungi
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
A duergar raider stands, floating here, fighting a large xorn.
A baby roper is lying here, mortally wounded.
A young roper is lying here, incapacitated.
A large xorn stands in mid-air here, fighting a duergar raider. (Minion) 
< 846h/860H 1720m/1720M 284v/297V >

__________  o.▒▒       
__________ ...o.,      
__________ o.o.,      
__________ oo.@      
__________ .oo.,,, ,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,,,P  
__________  ,      

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
< 846h/860H 1720m/1720M 283v/297V >
The cavern wall is too steep to climb!
< 847h/860H 1720m/1720M 283v/297V >
 .oo.,,, ,  
 .▒▒▒ ,,,P  

You quickly scan the area.
←    : duergar raider
←    : baby roper
←    : young roper
←    : large xorn
←←←  : duergar guard
< 847h/860H 1720m/1720M 284v/297V >
 .oo.,,, ,  
 .▒▒▒ ,,,P  

__________  ..o.,      
__________ o.o.,      
__________ oo.,      
__________ .oo.@,, ,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,,,P  
__________  ,     ,  
__________  ,           

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There are residual brain waves in the area.
< 852h/860H 1720m/1720M 291v/297V >

__________  .o.,       
__________ .o.,    ,  
__________ o.,    ,  
__________ oo.,@, ,,  
__________ .▒▒▒ ,,,P  
__________ ,     ,,  

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
< 853h/860H 1720m/1720M 290v/297V >
< 853h/860H 1720m/1720M 291v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
→    : ghastly shrieker
→    : baby roper
< 853h/860H 1720m/1720M 292v/297V >

__________  o.,        
__________ .o.,    ,,  
__________ .,    ,,  
__________ o.,,@, ,,  
__________ ▒▒▒ ,,,, 
__________ ,     ,, 
__________         ,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
A ghastly shrieker is lying here, incapacitated.(Gold Aura)
A baby roper is lying here, incapacitated.
< 854h/860H 1720m/1720M 291v/297V >

__________  o.,    ,   
__________ .,    ,,  
__________ o.,,, ,,  
__________ ▒▒▒ @,,, 
__________ ,     ,, 
__________         ,,  

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
The corpse of a shrieker is lying here.
< 855h/860H 1720m/1720M 290v/297V >

__________  .,    ,,   
__________ .,    ,,  
__________ .,,, ,, 
__________ ▒▒▒ ,@,,   
__________      ,,▒▒  
__________        ,,,  
__________          ,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
< 855h/860H 1720m/1720M 289v/297V >

__________  ,    ,,   
__________ ,    ,,,  
__________ ,,, ,,▒▒  
__________ ▒▒ ,,@,    
__________      ,,▒▒   
__________       ,,,,  
__________         ,,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
< 856h/860H 1720m/1720M 288v/297V >

__________  ,    ,,,   
__________ ,    ,,,,  
__________ ,,, ,,▒▒,  
__________  ,,,@  ,  
__________     ,,▒▒ ,  
__________      ,,,,,  
__________        ,,,   

A Long Tunnel Adorned with Mantol-Derith Scriptures
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
There is a portal here shimmering in a rainbow of colors. (magic)
< 856h/860H 1720m/1720M 287v/297V >
  ,    ,,,   
 ,    ,☺☺,,  
 ,,, ,,,▒▒,  
  ,,,@  ,  
     ,,▒▒ ,  

You quickly scan the area.
→    : baby purple worm
↓    : gray ooze
< 857h/860H 1720m/1720M 288v/297V >
  ,    ,,,   
 ,    ,☺☺,,  
 ,,, ,,,▒▒,  
  ,,,@  ,  
     ,,▒▒ ,  

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 294v/297V >
A baby purple worm enters from the east.
  ,    ,,,   
 ,    ,☺☺,,  
 ,,, ,,,▒▒,  
  ,,,@,  ,  
     ,,▒▒ ,  

< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
en portal
  ,    ,,,   
 ,    ,☺☺,,  
 ,,, ,,,▒▒,  
  ,,,@,  ,  
     ,,▒▒ ,  

Your group has been disbanded.
You enter a rainbow colored portal and reappear elsewhere...

Zone: Plane of Air.
The Elemental Plane of Air
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
There is a portal here shimmering in a rainbow of colors. (magic)
An air elemental stands in mid-air here, fighting a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here, fighting an air elemental.(Gold Aura)
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
↑↑↑↑↑: You
↑↑↑↑↑: air elemental
↑↑↑↑↑: Grey Elf
→→→→→: powerful jann
↓↓↓↓↓: You
↓↓↓↓↓: air elemental
↓↓↓↓↓: Grey Elf
←    : jinni noble
←    : air elemental
←←←←←: powerful jann
↥↥↥  : jinni noble
↥↥↥  : air elemental
↥↥↥↥↥: You
↥↥↥↥↥: air elemental
↥↥↥↥↥: Grey Elf
↧↧   : jinni noble
↧↧   : air elemental
↧↧↧↧↧: You
↧↧↧↧↧: air elemental
↧↧↧↧↧: Grey Elf
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: grey | 5 NORTH, grey | 5 SOUTH, grey | 5 UP, grey | 5 DOWN @ air|The Elemental Plane of Air'
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
A Grey Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
You begin to focus your will...
You snap into visibility.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 64 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 78 ] A Grey Elf suddenly looks in pain as he moves.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
An air elemental misses a Grey Elf.
A Grey Elf dodges an air elemental's attack.
A Grey Elf dodges an air elemental's attack.
A Grey Elf dodges an air elemental's attack.
An air elemental's crude crush wounds a Grey Elf.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
You begin to focus your will...
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
You snap into visibility.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'dispel magic'
A rainbow colored portal dissolves in a swirl of colors and is gone.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 63 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 75 ] 
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.
A Grey Elf leaves east.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
An air elemental fades from your mortal viewing...
An air elemental suddenly attacks YOU!
An air elemental snaps into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
An air elemental's feeble crush grazes you.
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 859h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: few scratches E: air EP: sta EC: excellent> 
You attempt to flee...

The Elemental Plane of Air
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
You flee southward!
< 859h/860H 1720m/1720M 265v/297V >
Kiria tells your alliance '*Ayla* so he left'
< 859h/860H 1720m/1720M 265v/297V >

The Elemental Plane of Air
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 267v/297V >
Zelly tells your alliance 'so he runs to air again'

The Elemental Plane of Air
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
*A winter wolf is here, roaming the plan of air looking for a meal.(Red Aura)
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 266v/297V >
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 267v/297V >
A winter wolf enters from elsewhere.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 267v/297V >
You quickly scan the area.
↑    : Grey Elf
↑↑↑↑↑: winter wolf
↑↑↑↑↑: You
↑↑↑↑↑: winter wolf
→→→→ : powerful jann
→→→→→: You
↓↓↓↓ : Grey Elf
↓↓↓↓↓: winter wolf
↓↓↓↓↓: You
↓↓↓↓↓: winter wolf
←←←←←: winter wolf
←←←←←: You
←←←←←: winter wolf
↥    : air elemental
↥    : air elemental
↥    : large air elemental
↥    : winter wolf
↥    : air elemental
↥↥   : air elemental
↥↥   : air elemental
↥↥   : large air elemental
↥↥   : winter wolf
↥↥   : air elemental
↥↥↥  : air elemental
↥↥↥  : air elemental
↥↥↥  : large air elemental
↥↥↥  : air elemental
↥↥↥↥ : air elemental
↥↥↥↥ : air elemental
↥↥↥↥↥: large air elemental
↥↥↥↥↥: winter wolf
↥↥↥↥↥: air elemental
↧    : air elemental
↧↧↧  : large air elemental
↧↧↧  : air elemental
↧↧↧↧ : winter wolf
↧↧↧↧ : You
↧↧↧↧ : winter wolf
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 270v/297V >
You tell your alliance '<Ra> SCAN: grey | 1 NORTH, grey | 4 SOUTH @ air|The Elemental Plane of Air'
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 271v/297V >

The Elemental Plane of Air
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
A Grey Elf (medium) Templar o==(=Mithril=Knights=- stands in mid-air here. (Casting) (Gold Aura)
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 273v/297V >
You begin to focus your will...
You snap into visibility.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 274v/297V >
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 278v/297V >
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 66 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 78 ] 
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 280v/297V >
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'stornogs spheres'
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 282v/297V >
You begin to focus your will...
You snap into visibility.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 284v/297V >
A Grey Elf is suddenly surrounded by a red eldritch aura, which quickly dissipates.
A Grey Elf misses you.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 286v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: excellent E: Grey Elf EP: sta EC: pretty hurt> 
You snap into visibility.
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 287v/297V >
< T: Ra TP: sta TC: excellent E: Grey Elf EP: sta EC: pretty hurt> 
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 61 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 79 ] A Grey Elf is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 287v/297V >
< E: Grey Elf EP: sta EC: awful> 
You begin to focus your will...
You snap into visibility.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 287v/297V >
< E: Grey Elf EP: ass EC: awful> 
Casting: pyrokinesis 
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 287v/297V >
< E: Grey Elf EP: ass EC: awful> 
Focusing your mind, you bend reality a bit more easily...
You snap into visibility.
Cast spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage:  0 ] You ignite a personal inferno within a Grey Elf's body.
A Grey Elf is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
You snap into visibility.
A Grey Elf snaps into visibility.
[Damage:  6 ] A Grey Elf's gloves of the adept [superior] with a strange dark bloodstone [haste, vamp] shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf's ancient crown of elven royalty shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf's holy symbol of the Ravenkind shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf's ice ring shattered in bits as the tortured body spasms and quivers!
A Grey Elf is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 13333333.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
You just gained 1.00 frags!
Your guild gained prestige!
You have gained 554 epic points.
This mob damage: 564 total: 126071
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as a Grey Elf dies in agony.
< 860h/860H 1697m/1720M 287v/297V >
Sainth tells your alliance '-sainth- he's luring to air'
< 860h/860H 1697m/1720M 289v/297V >
You get a dark purple ioun stone [ARTI INT_MAX+15] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a tome of wizardry [1lb INT+5 HITPOINTS+10 iv45] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a large tome engulfed in blue flames [INT+7 SV_BREATH+2 INVIS SENSE_LIFE PROT_FIRE] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a elven rune of restoration [MOVE_REG+3 HIT_REG+13 NOFEAR] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the ancient sheath of *-* Clan BloodLust *-* [SV_SPELL-3 MOVE_REG+3 FLY] of endurance from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a glowing jade earring [HITPOINTS+25 INT_MAX+3 PROT_EVIL PROT_GOOD] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a polished scale of Tiamat [BLESSED INT_MAX+3 AC-50] of greater intelligence from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the mask of wildmagic [ARTI POW_MAX+4 INT_MAX+4 WILDMAGIC proc] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the eyepatch of immortality [1lb 3/0 AC-10 CON_MAX+4 ULTRA DET_MAGIC] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the staff of blue flames [4D6 ARTI !SLEEP !CHARM !SUMMON SPELL_PULSE-1 DET_INV FLY proc] from the corpse of Zloin.
You can't carry any more.
< 860h/860H 1698m/1720M 290v/297V >
p all p
You put 0 platinum, 9 gold, 0 silver, and 7 copper coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 860h/860H 1705m/1720M 297v/297V >
Aborted spell: 'pyrokinesis' grey
You failed.
< 860h/860H 1705m/1720M 297v/297V >
You put 7 items into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 860h/860H 1705m/1720M 297v/297V >
You get the bangle of immunity [!SLEEP !CHARM !SUMMON BLESSED SV_PARA-5 SV_SPELL-5] of health from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the bracelet of emeralds [SV_FEAR-3 INT_MAX+5 BARKSKIN] of endurance from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the woven entrails of an unfortunate soul [HIT_REG+14 MOVE_REG+7 PROT_EVIL PROT_GOOD] of regeneration from the corpse of Zloin.
You get Daganar's cloak of stealth [SNEAK] of regeneration from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the shield of the earthwyrm [0/2 DET_INV FLY HITPOINTS+15] [superior] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get some blue dragonscale shoulder guards [SV_BREATH-6 INT_MAX+4 PROT_COLD] of health from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a pair of clawed demon-hide moccasins [AC-12 CON_MAX+4 SV_PARA-4 SLOW_POISON PROT_LIVING] from the corpse of Zloin.
You can't carry any more.
< 860h/860H 1706m/1720M 297v/297V >
p all p
You put 7 items into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 860h/860H 1713m/1720M 297v/297V >
The Elemental Plane of Air
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
The corpse of a Grey Elf is lying here.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
You get some slime-covered aboleth skin [1lb AC-10 SV_BREATH-4 SV_SPELL-4 WATERBREATH PROT_COLD PROT_ACID] [superior] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get an embroidered tunic of the Knights of the Raven [CON_MAX+5 AC-125] [superior] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get the pendant of the aboleth [FARSEE proc:aboleth_pendant SV_BREATH+3 SV_PARA+3] [superior] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a gleaming platinum ring [HITPOINTS+45 CON_MAX+5] of intelligence from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a dark misty potion [vitality  (lev 26)] from the corpse of Zloin.
You get a net of endless currents [] from the corpse of Zloin.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
p all p
You put 6 items into a bottomless bag of the illithids.
< 860h/860H 1720m/1720M 297v/297V >
The corpse of Zloin appears to be empty.