en locker

The escort says 'You have 345 items, which costs you 1 platinum, 3 s, and 6 c'
A member of the Storage Locker Safety Commission escorts you to the locker.
WARNING: Storage Lockers are not meant to have multiple containers in them. There is a possibility you may LOSE your container and all items in it. Store them at your own risk! NO REIMBURSEMENTS!

Zone: Adventurer's Vaults.
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 393h/394H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
q body
A small gremlin appears out of no where, quickly arranging your belongings before disappearing into thin air.
< 393h/394H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items worn on body.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
a humming dragonscale ringmail from The Twin Keeps of Devastated Tharnadia [AC60 PROT_ACID  +MANA NOREPAIR]
a superior dragonscale chestplate [23lb AC-46 SV_FEAR-4]
a moss-covered cloak [!SLEEP !CHARM HITPOINTS+25 CON_MAX+1] [superior] (glowing)
an embroidered tunic of the Knights of the Raven [CON_MAX+5 AC-125] [superior] (magic)
a warsuit of jade wyrmscale [AC-40 SLOW_POISON PROT_GOOD SNEAK] (glowing)
a suit embodying ethereal soul shards [AC-50 HITPOINTS+25 AC-25 PROT_EVIL PROT_GOOD REGENERATION iv374] of regeneration

< 393h/394H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
=============== TICK ===============
g cloak chest
You get a moss-covered cloak [!SLEEP !CHARM HITPOINTS+25 CON_MAX+1] [superior] from a large wooden chest.
< 393h/394H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
A small gremlin appears out of nowhere, and ensures everything is sorted...
< 393h/394H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
wear cloak
You shrug into a moss-covered cloak [!SLEEP !CHARM HITPOINTS+25 CON_MAX+1] [superior].
< 393h/394H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
q feet
A small gremlin appears out of no where, quickly arranging your belongings before disappearing into thin air.
hp: +33
< 426h/427H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items worn on feet.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some boots of dread [0/3 AC12 HITPOINTS+15] [superior] (magic)
some jeweled dragonscale shoes [2lb AC-28 SV_FEAR-5] [88%]
some jeweled adamantium boots from The Surface Realm of Duris [9lb AC-47 INT+7 BARKSKIN PROT_UNDEAD]

< 426h/427H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
g dread chest
You get some boots of dread [0/3 AC12 HITPOINTS+15] [superior] from a large wooden chest.
< 426h/427H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
A small gremlin appears out of nowhere, and ensures everything is sorted...
< 426h/427H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
wear dread
You place some boots of dread [0/3 AC12 HITPOINTS+15] [superior] on your feet.
< 426h/427H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
Your available eq slots are:
<floating about head>
<worn as a badge>    -----------------------------
<worn on head>       -----------------------------
<worn on eyes>       -----------------------------
<worn in ear>        -----------------------------
<worn in ear>        -----------------------------
<worn on face>       -----------------------------
<worn around neck>   -----------------------------
<worn around neck>   -----------------------------
<worn on body>       a moss-covered cloak [!SLEEP !CHARM HITPOINTS+25 CON_MAX+1] [superior] (glowing)
<worn about body>    -----------------------------
<worn on back>       
<worn as quiver>     -----------------------------
<worn about waist>   -----------------------------
<worn on belt buckle>-----------------------------
<attached to belt>   
<attached to belt>   
<worn on arms>       -----------------------------
<worn around wrist>  -----------------------------
<worn around wrist>  -----------------------------
<worn on hands>      -----------------------------
<worn on finger>     -----------------------------
<worn on finger>     -----------------------------
<primary weapon>     a small wooden mace [1D6]
<held>               a rotting cloth bag
<worn on legs>       -----------------------------
<worn on feet>       some boots of dread [0/3 AC12 HITPOINTS+15] [superior] (magic)
hp: +15
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
q shield
A small gremlin appears out of no where, quickly arranging your belongings before disappearing into thin air.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items worn as shield.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
a well-polished mithril body shield [AC-50 STR+5] [superior] (illuminating)
a jeweled glassteel shield from The Githyanki Fortress [BARKSKIN  +WIS NOREPAIR]
a human-made crystal tower shield from Du'Maathe Castle [9lb SV_PARA-1 PROT_ACID]
a magical dragonscale tower shield [9lb LUCK+8]
an ashen dragonscale heater shield from The Royal Mausoleum of Castle IceCrag [5lb MANA+24 PROT_ACID]

< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
g shield chest
You get a well-polished mithril body shield [AC-50 STR+5] [superior] from a large wooden chest.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
A small gremlin appears out of nowhere, and ensures everything is sorted...
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
wear shield
Your hands are full.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
rem rotting
You stop using a rotting cloth bag.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
wear shield
You strap a well-polished mithril body shield [AC-50 STR+5] [superior] to your arm.
It glows brightly.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
q legs
A small gremlin appears out of no where, quickly arranging your belongings before disappearing into thin air.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items worn on legs.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some tempered mithril leg plates [AC-10 STR+4] (magic)
some moss-covered leggings [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
some sparkling dragonscale leg plates [9lb AC-42 SV_FEAR-5]
some stylish ruby pants from New Cave city [AC12 DET_MAGIC  +AGI_MAX NOREPAIR]

< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
g leggings chest
You get some moss-covered leggings [superior] from a large wooden chest.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
A small gremlin appears out of nowhere, and ensures everything is sorted...
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
wear leggings
You slide your legs into some moss-covered leggings [superior].
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
q waist
A small gremlin appears out of no where, quickly arranging your belongings before disappearing into thin air.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items worn about waist.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
Nothing.               <------ bug happened just before this, had a bunch of waist gear

< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items worn about waist.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items worn about waist.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa chest
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items worn about waist.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:

< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa 2.chest
                       <------ should have everything non-waist
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some stylish ruby pants from New Cave city [AC12 DET_MAGIC  +AGI_MAX NOREPAIR]
some sparkling dragonscale leg plates [9lb AC-42 SV_FEAR-5]
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
some tempered mithril leg plates [AC-10 STR+4] (magic)

< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items worn about waist.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
=============== TICK ===============
exa 3.chest
You do not see that here.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
q nada
Invalid sort option: 'nada'.       <---- resets sort, everything is now in the only chest
A small gremlin appears out of no where, quickly arranging your belongings before disappearing into thin air.
< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items that are unsorted.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some tempered mithril leg plates [AC-10 STR+4] (magic)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
some sparkling dragonscale leg plates [9lb AC-42 SV_FEAR-5]
some stylish ruby pants from New Cave city [AC12 DET_MAGIC  +AGI_MAX NOREPAIR]

< 441h/442H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
Updating tick, was 4.4874354050 is 0
ignoring doubled tick
Spell ended: roar of heroes
Your heroic urges slowly fade away.
hp: -38
< 403h/404H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
ignoring doubled tick
Your mighty battle cry rallies your comrades and instills fear
into the hearts of your enemies.
Adrenaline burns your veins as the battle cry rings in your ears.
< 403h/404H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
hp: +35
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa chest
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items that are unsorted.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some tempered mithril leg plates [AC-10 STR+4] (magic)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
some sparkling dragonscale leg plates [9lb AC-42 SV_FEAR-5]
some stylish ruby pants from New Cave city [AC12 DET_MAGIC  +AGI_MAX NOREPAIR]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa bp

A large leather backpack is made of leather and appears to be of average quality.
A large leather backpack has an item value of 1.
A large leather backpack contains:
[59] a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours]
[16] a sparkling large shrimp [hp_regen+135 mv_regen+7 5 hours]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
You are carrying: (1/11)
a rotting cloth bag
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa satchel
a rugged adventurers satchel [HITPOINTS+5 iv11] (magic) (illuminating)
Made from the hides of various animals, this satchel is rugged and could probably
hold a decent amount of equipment or items.
A rugged adventurers satchel is made of iron and appears to be of average quality.
A rugged adventurers satchel has an item value of 11.
A rugged adventurers satchel contains:
a huge mining sack [ iv1]
some cured dracolich hide (glowing)
a magical essence of Move Regen [] (magic)
a magical essence of Damroll [] (magic)
a giant scale of a jade wyrm []
[9] some landrace Medicus []
a mistweyd nose-pipe []
[3] a rare piece of coldsteel [steel:5] (magic)
[10] an ancient chunk of dwarven mithril [mithril:5]
[3] a tiny shard of volcanic rock [stone:5]
a smooth piece of polished marble [marble:3]
a rare piece of cold-iron [iron:5] (magic)
[12] a rare piece of magical silver [silver:5] (magic) (glowing)
[3] a high quality mining pick [1/1 2D4]
[3] a commendation token of stealth [ iv1] (magic) (glowing)
a magical essence of HP Regen [] (magic)
[2] a magical essence of Dexterity [] (magic)
a magical essence of Strength [] (magic)
[3] a magical essence of Hitroll [] (magic)
[2] a greater orb of Magic [] (magic) (glowing)
[2] a scroll of revelations [identify reveal true name (lev 51)] (magic) (glowing)
[42] an anti-matter nebula [insubstantial:5] (magic) (humming)
[3] a magical essence of Charisma [] (magic)
[4] a magical essence of Agility [] (magic)
[3] a magical essence of Health [ iv1] (magic)
[10] a fiery red potion [stone skin vitality detect invisibility (lev 55)]
a magical essence of Constitution [] (magic)
[6] a magical essence of Power [] (magic)
[6] a magical essence of Intelligence [] (magic)
[2] a rugged adventurers satchel [HITPOINTS+5 iv11] (magic) (illuminating)
[2] a strange black stone [minor_globe, neg conc. blast]
[3] a sparkling large pike fish [hp_regen+105 mv_regen+9 13 hours]
 medicus×9 fiery×10
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa bp

A large leather backpack is made of leather and appears to be of average quality.
A large leather backpack has an item value of 1.
A large leather backpack contains:
[59] a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours]
[16] a sparkling large shrimp [hp_regen+135 mv_regen+7 5 hours]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
exa messenger

A messenger bag embroidered with mystical sigils is made of cloth and appears to be made by a master artisian.
A messenger bag embroidered with mystical sigils has an item value of 51.
A messenger bag embroidered with mystical sigils contains:
a large piece of platinum ore [18lb]
a large piece of iron ore [16lb]
a mystical tome with glowing elemental glyphs [INT+5] (magic)
a thick tome of legendary lores [HITPOINTS+10 CHA+5] (magic)
a mystical tome covered in demon-skin [POW+3 HITPOINTS+20] (magic)
a spell tome of putrified zombie skin [AGI+4 INT+4] (magic)
a black leather tome with an embossed dracolich [CON+4 INT+4] (magic)
a spellbook bound with embalmed woodelf flesh [SV_FEAR-5 INT+5] (magic)
a leather-bound book covered in shifting shadows [SV_SPELL-3 HITPOINTS+15] (magic)
an illithid-skin spellbook of wyld magick [SV_BREATH-2 HITPOINTS+15] (magic)
[2] a cloth-bound tome of magical study [AGI+3 HITPOINTS+13] (magic)
a white leather-bound tome of spirit domination [CHA_MAX+1 INT+5] (magic)
a massive tome [HITPOINTS+15 INT+5]
[4] a large piece of silver ore [7lb]
[6] a large piece of copper ore [11lb]
[6] a large piece of gold ore [8lb]
[8] a large piece of mithril ore [14lb]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 186v/186V >
Your body vibrates as you fan out your molecules.

Zone: Githyanki Hometown.
A Small Bank
Obvious exits: -N [qqbank]
A large wooden counter is here, with a sign posted on it.
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
You quickly scan the area.
↑↑   : prison guard
↑↑   : prison guard
↑↑   : prison guard
↑↑   : prison guard
↑↑↑  : Drow Elf from Arachdrathos
↑↑↑  : Human from Tharnadia
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
en locker

The escort says 'You have 164 items, which costs you 4 g, 9 s, and 3 c'
A member of the Storage Locker Safety Commission escorts you to the locker.
WARNING: Storage Lockers are not meant to have multiple containers in them. There is a possibility you may LOSE your container and all items in it. Store them at your own risk! NO REIMBURSEMENTS!

Zone: Adventurer's Vaults.
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
You are carrying: (1/11)
a rotting cloth bag
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
exa chest
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items that are unsorted.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some tempered mithril leg plates [AC-10 STR+4] (magic)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
some sparkling dragonscale leg plates [9lb AC-42 SV_FEAR-5]
some stylish ruby pants from New Cave city [AC12 DET_MAGIC  +AGI_MAX NOREPAIR]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
exa bp

A large leather backpack is made of leather and appears to be of average quality.
A large leather backpack has an item value of 1.
A large leather backpack contains:
[59] a bowl of seafood bisque [hp_regen+120 mv_regen+8 35 hours]
[16] a sparkling large shrimp [hp_regen+135 mv_regen+7 5 hours]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
exa satchel
a rugged adventurers satchel [HITPOINTS+5 iv11] (magic) (illuminating)
Made from the hides of various animals, this satchel is rugged and could probably
hold a decent amount of equipment or items.
A rugged adventurers satchel is made of iron and appears to be of average quality.
A rugged adventurers satchel has an item value of 11.
A rugged adventurers satchel contains:
a huge mining sack [ iv1]
some cured dracolich hide (glowing)
a magical essence of Move Regen [] (magic)
a magical essence of Damroll [] (magic)
a giant scale of a jade wyrm []
[9] some landrace Medicus []
a mistweyd nose-pipe []
[3] a rare piece of coldsteel [steel:5] (magic)
[10] an ancient chunk of dwarven mithril [mithril:5]
[3] a tiny shard of volcanic rock [stone:5]
a smooth piece of polished marble [marble:3]
a rare piece of cold-iron [iron:5] (magic)
[12] a rare piece of magical silver [silver:5] (magic) (glowing)
[3] a high quality mining pick [1/1 2D4]
[3] a commendation token of stealth [ iv1] (magic) (glowing)
a magical essence of HP Regen [] (magic)
[2] a magical essence of Dexterity [] (magic)
a magical essence of Strength [] (magic)
[3] a magical essence of Hitroll [] (magic)
[2] a greater orb of Magic [] (magic) (glowing)
[2] a scroll of revelations [identify reveal true name (lev 51)] (magic) (glowing)
[42] an anti-matter nebula [insubstantial:5] (magic) (humming)
[3] a magical essence of Charisma [] (magic)
[4] a magical essence of Agility [] (magic)
[3] a magical essence of Health [ iv1] (magic)
[10] a fiery red potion [stone skin vitality detect invisibility (lev 55)]
a magical essence of Constitution [] (magic)
[6] a magical essence of Power [] (magic)
[6] a magical essence of Intelligence [] (magic)
[2] a rugged adventurers satchel [HITPOINTS+5 iv11] (magic) (illuminating)
[2] a strange black stone [minor_globe, neg conc. blast]
[3] a sparkling large pike fish [hp_regen+105 mv_regen+9 13 hours]
 medicus×9 fiery×10
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
The Storage Locker for Ra
Obvious exits: -N#
a satchel used to hold various items lies here. (magic) (illuminating)
A messenger bag lies here in a heap upon the ground. (magic) (glowing)
A rather large leather backpack lies here.
An ornate chest bearing items that are unsorted.
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
You are carrying: (1/11)
a rotting cloth bag
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
exa chest
a large wooden chest
This chest contains your items that are unsorted.
A large wooden chest is made of iron and appears to be of below average quality.
A large wooden chest has an item value of 1.
A large wooden chest contains:
some tempered mithril leg plates [AC-10 STR+4] (magic)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [poor] (glowing)
a pair of flayed illithid hide leggings [POW_MAX+3 HITPOINTS+20] [superior] (glowing)
some sparkling dragonscale leg plates [9lb AC-42 SV_FEAR-5]
some stylish ruby pants from New Cave city [AC12 DET_MAGIC  +AGI_MAX NOREPAIR]

< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
You are carrying: (1/11)
a rotting cloth bag
< 438h/439H 1214m/1214M 185v/186V >
Your body vibrates as you fan out your molecules.